„Nik Factor“ Ltd. was established in 2012 with main activity – finishing construction, home remodeling, integrating innovative lighting systems, consulting and support.

Since its establishment, the company is now „NIK FACTOR“ Ltd., established itself in the market as a reliable performer and innovator in the integration of high-efficiency LED lighting by building successful contacts and gain the trust of the customer loyalty, fast and flexible logistics solutions.


Partners we work with are established, both Bulgarian and international market, namely the French company for electrical equipment „Legrand“, the German company for abrasive materials „KLINGSPOR“, the Italian company for keys and konstakti „BTICHINO“, the German company electrical installation safety equipment „GAO“ and the German company „BRENNENSTUHL“ specialized in the production of electrical materials and equipment for construction, also „Philips“ and „Elmark“ and many others. As a large part of the proposed LED technology is our own import.


main activity

  • Licensed design of low voltage systems and electrical systems;
  • Delivery of materials for construction shall;
  • Consultancy;
  • Construction and maintenance;
  • Repair and finishing works;
  • Production of switchboards;
  • The integration of high-efficiency LED lighting;
  • Facility Management / comprehensive maintenance of all parts /.

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