Web site: http://www.acticum.bg

ACTICUM OOD is the Bulgarian subsidiary of MEKDAN MANAGEMENT & MAINTENANCE Ltd – www.mekdan.com, managing by to date over 2 000 000 m² office, commercial and residential properties on the territory of Bulgaria, Europe and Israel, and of NTECH BG Ltd – www.ntech.bg, a leading brokerage and real estate consulting company which experienced a wide range of properties throughout Bulgaria. The company is specialized in consulting, management and maintenance of office buildings and business parks, shopping malls, commercial centers, retail parks and logistic centers. The company has a years-long experience on the Bulgarian and international markets in providing Facility Management services of a scope, complexity and quality that fulfill the requirements for buildings Class A under the European Union standards. ACTICUM OOD always provides key solutions on the best prices. Its team of experts is at the service of its clients with the most appropriate advice 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Phone: +359 2 806 60 20; +359 888 605 693
Fax: +359 2 806 60 24
E-mail: HQ@acticum.bg
Web site: http://www.acticum.bg