This newsletter is from the EuroFM Board. We want to inform you about our plans and activities. We’d first like to take you back to this past summer, and then look forward to the coming months. We have had some challenging decisions to make for the future, however we are also proud to present our exciting projects and plans which are happening at this moment within our EuroFM network. Enjoy reading!
Just before and during this past summer there have been some changes within the EuroFM Board. There were several reasons for these changes: different opinions on the EuroFM development and different views on collaboration with other parties. This unfortunately has led to the resignation of our Chair Pekka Matvejeff and also, Scott Newland (EuroFM Commercial Chair) and Matthew Tucker (EuroFM Research Chair) have chosen to leave the Board in the past month. All had their own personal reasons for this. This means that the current members of the EuroFM Board are:
Goran Milanov (interim Chair of EuroFM), Renske van der Heide, Miguel Agostinho and Olga van Diermen.
Another change took place: in consultation with the Board, the EuroFM support team, Group MSA, decided not to extend their contract. This means that we as a Board are currently seeking a new provider. As a smaller EuroFM Board we extensively discuss in what ways we can keep EuroFM on track. Regarding both issues, we want to update all Members in Ankara, Turkey where we will have our next Members meeting on October 10th and 11th 2019.
Ankara Turkey members meeting 2019
It looks like we have a new tradition. Last year in October 2018 the EuroFM Members meeting was hosted by the Portuguese FM association AFPM and it was great to visit Lisbon. During October 10th & 11th 2019 the TRFMA is taking over the baton and will host the next EuroFM Members meeting. TRFMA is a voluntary association (NGO) of leading professional Facility Management companies of Turkey. For EuroFM it is a great pleasure to visit one of our local FM associations again. Learn more about the program through:
and if you have any questions please ask our Turkish EuroFM ambassador Levent Alatli at info@tr-fma.org
We hope to see you in Ankara!
Summerschool 2019 Trondheim
During the first week of September over 20 students from different European countries visited Trondheim University (NTNU) to join the yearly EuroFM Summerschool. In this Summer school, they investigated a ‘Community-Based FM’ within the city of Trondheim. To quote our Dutch EuroFM ambassador Rachel Kuijlenburg (one of the initiators): “It was amazing what students can achieve in just one week, adding value to Community Based FM and Urban FM. The hospitality, enthusiasm and knowledge sharing of NTNU by Alenka Temeljotov Salaj, David Collins, Carmel Lindkvist and many others was heart-warming”. The students worked on designing processes by which all the stakeholders in a community work together to deliver and maintain an enabling environment where the local economy can prosper.
The students worked on designing processes by which all the stakeholders in a community work together to deliver and maintain an enabling environment where the local economy can prosper. With the aim that citizens can enjoy a quality of life. This is also one of the rewarding tasks of FM! The Education and Research group works together to extend this interesting topic into the next EuroFM Winterschool. We will keep you posted.
Alliance for Sustainable Development
Facility Management plays an important role in the quality of life of people and in the productivity of the organisations: In the way we use resources like energy and water and the waste we produce, from furniture to food. On the working conditions of millions of workers and the economic health of the companies we outsource to.
Unfortunately, it is common to present our projects and initiatives from the cost reduction side or technical efficiency, and not looking at the impact they have in the 17 SDG’s we as humankind should achieve by 2030.
Together, we can build an alliance, meaning each association will put a bit of effort in this project and each one will be able to reap the benefits of the whole. This initiative will allow for all of us to have more adequate content for social media which will benefit immensely our image and Facility Management as a whole. If you are interested in this initiative, please contact Miguel Agostinho at eurofm.ang@gmail.com
COIL Project THUAS and ZHAW: EuroFM Ambassadors are the research topic
For the third year, The Hague University and Zurich University will work together in a Collaborative Online International Learning project. This time a total of 15 students from both universities will work on a project to support the Ambassador Network of EuroFM. The interesting question is how to achieve a solid virtual collaboration between the different appointed ambassadors and the conditions to realise this. Moreover, what is the role of EuroFM in facilitating the ambassadors to gain the most benefits out of this platform. Also: how do the ambassadors think this role should be filled in, and what is their gain? In December the students will present their findings at ZHAW, and of course to the EuroFM ambassadors. We’ll inform all members about the results.
EuroFM member universities launch European project on Digitalisation of Facility Service Processes
DHBW Stuttgart (Germany) and Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Spain), launch together with METROPOLIA UAS (Finland) and FM House Madrid (Spain) an ERASMUS Strategic Partnership Project on the digitalisation of facility service processes in Europe. Aim of the project is to examine the status of the digitalisation of facility services in different European areas and to develop common academic education and training standards in order to strengthen European competitiveness in this area. Gain more information during our Ankara meeting!
EuroFM Ambassadors’ network
During EFMC 2019 we had our second General Assembly EuroFM Ambassadors meeting. Fourteen EuroFM Ambassadors attended the meeting: Austria – Thomas Madrich; Brazil – Thiago Santana (on behalf of Luciano Brunherotto); Columbia – Lilyana Mejía Ospina; Germany – Michael May; Greece – Alexandros Alivizatos; Japan – Toshiaki Matsuoka; Portugal – Miguel Alves Agostinho (on behalf of Pedro Lo); Russia – Alexey Grinchenko; Spain – David Martinez; Switzerland – Susanna Caravatti-Felchlin; Thailand – Ek Buranakul; Turkey – Levent Alatli; USA – Roscoe Hightower.
Two new EuroFM Ambassadors were appointed. For the Netherlands – Rachel Kuijlenburg, Senior lecturer at The Hague University of Applied Sciences and for South Korea – Jay Youm Managing Director at Monnit Korea. During the meeting three main topics were discussed: Information exchange and marketing, Knowledge exchange and projects and Internal communication topics.
After the General Assembly in Dublin, EuroFM Ambassadors were active and participating in many industry events across the globe: MEFMA event in Cairo and Kuwait, FM leader summit in Singapore, ISO 41001 seminar in Osaka and many more. Specially for the Summerschool 2019 Trondheim EuroFM Ambassadors send special greeting to the students by sending pictures from countries that they represent.
Cairo, 3rd September 2019 was the official birthday of Facility Management Association in Egypt. Congratulation and a lot of success in all doings of the Association!
Collaboration with new Partners
A meeting with European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) was organised in September 2019. During that meeting Alexander Hadzhiivanov, Associated Director, Green Building Investments, Energy Efficiency and Climate Change Team at EBRD stated that EuroFM is a potential institutional partner of EBRD, supporting their core business by bringing knowledge about FM sustainability and disruptive FM technologies.
RICS have been developing a Procurement of Facility Management code of practice. This document provides guidance on the various factors that need to be considered throughout a procurement process, including activities and key decisions during planning, procurement and post-procurement. We agreed that this document could be send for feedback among our members and EuroFM Ambassador network.
If you have comments or questions, please contact us at gmilanov@vidako.eu / R.van.der.Heide@topdesk.com / o.g.vandiermen@hhs.nl / miguelalvesagostinho@gmail.com