The prize „Building project with public significance“ went to Metrostation „Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski“ and the ground station „Musagenitsa“. 

The other winners are:

1.  Residentian buildings and complexes of the year – “Vitosha Tulip”, Sofia

2. Public buildings with business function – Office building Batenberg, Sofia

3. Multifunctional buildings – Complex Royal city, Plovdiv

4. Business hotels – Ventura, Varna

5. Holiday hotels – RUI Pravets Resort, Pravets

6. Holiday complexes – Oazis resort and spa, Lozenets

7. Trade buildings – Burgas plaza Mall, Burgas 

8. Industrial buildings and logistic centers – Sofia Airport center, Sofia

9. Buildings with special functions – Regional museum of history, Stara Zagora


Special prize – for energy efficient building – Passenger’s terminal, Plovdiv Airport.

Special prize for energy efficiency – Gabrovo Municipality – for the project “Providing an effective, generally accessible modern educational infrastructure for sustainable development”

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