Kamelia Panaytova is currently “Director Facilities” at Sutherland Global Services and has 12 + years of experience and expertise in facility and lease management, facility due diligence, site selection and office space fit out. Since joining Sutherland in 2010, she has led multiple facility expansions in Europe, working with international teams on facility build outs with very tight deadlines. The track record of successful projects’ completion ensured clients’ satisfaction and contributed to the establishment of smooth business operation. Kamelia has expertise in facility budget analysis and planning, approved funds management and control. She is experienced in office space design, interior design and corporate branding. Her in debt knowledge on health and safety at work, fire safety, emergency management and security global policies enabled best practices implementation in all Sutherland sites in Europe. Kamelia holds Master’s degree in Bulgarian Philology, Bachelor’s degree in English Philology and in Journalism from Veliko Tarnovo University, Bulgaria.

Phone: +359 893 695 260

E-mail: panayotova.k@abv.bg