
Between the 25th and 29th January in Sofia the first part of the Train the Trainer program within the project WIFI Academy for Facility Management was held. Experts from Bulgaria, Hungary, Serbia and Austria, official partners in the project, took part in the training. The Аustrian colleagues presented the already developed nine training modules and evaluation tools, the training methodology and instruments, the FM program and the content of each course – Program, Scripts, Case Studies, Exercises, Tests, Presentations, Handouts and training materials. The 5th day was dedicated to the presentation of the platform and its functionality. The multinational experts had the opportunity to exchange knowledge, know-how and new ideas for improvements.

WIFI FMA platform will be officially launched in May when the first online trainings will start. WIFI Academy for Facility Management is an innovative, multilingual platform for online distance training in Facility management. It represents a first attempt to develop an EU-wide open model for distance, online trainings for continuous professional development in the field of FM with opportunities for self-education.



This article was developed with the financial assistance of the EU. “WIFI – BULGARIA” Ltd. is solely responsible for the content, and under no circumstances can be considered as an official position of the European Union or HRDC.