BGFMA is a partner of the Fifth annual conference “Industrial construction and investments” is part of Building Innovation Forum Series 2018. The accents of the forum which will be held on 1st of february will be industrial projects and companies, engaged with their realization. The event is a platform for professional discussion between representatives of institutions, business, architects, engineers, project managers, consultants and suppliers of products and services in the sector.

Bulgaria has been progressively turning into a desirable location for establishing and expanding industries. Local and international companies from the automotive, metallurgical, chemical, food, pharmaceutical and other industries are launching new projects and expansions and/ or modernization of existing ones.

The dynamics in industrial investments require a modern and innovative approach in the planning, design, construction and management of industrial infrastructure in order for industrial companies to be as competitive as possible. At the same time optimizing the administrative procedures related to the implementation of investment projects and the development of technical infrastructure are key factors for improving the business environment and Bulgaria’s strategic positioning as an attractive investment destination.

BGFMA members will get 50% registration discount.

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