The Bulgarian Facility Management Association as an active member of EuroFM is happy to announce the forthcoming  European Facility Management Conference (EFMC) on 8- 9 June 2016 in Milan. EFMC is the largest annual meeting of FM executives from all over Europe and beyond. The unique, pan-European concept brings together over 500 FM professionals and end users from all sectors, gathering in a different European country every year.

EuroFM, International Facility Management Association (IFMA) and IFMA Italia as national host look forward to welcoming the FM professionals at the EFMC 2016 in Milan, Italy.

The conference motto of 2016 FM enhancing people and business illustrates two keywords of the FM future: Focussing on business models, strategies and specialisation on the one hand, and caring about people working for and with FM organisations on the other.

To discuss all-encompassing insights into these topics, EFMC 2016 features different tracks containing business and research perspectives. Attendees will also be invited to participate in accompanying events such as local study tours, student competitions, a networking evening event, EuroFM Awards and an industry exhibition.

The Program of the event is available at:

Join us in stunning Milan to learn from each other, network with inspiring people and foster the international FM network at the EFMC 2016 from 7 – 9 June!